There is something magical about early mornings. The smell of coffee, the sun rising, doing your skincare routine. Being awake before the rest of the world is such a wonderful feeling. Early mornings can produce a surge of productivity. If you research the habits of some of the most “successful” people in America, you’ll most likely find that they stick to an early morning routine. Your morning sets the tone for your day. And who doesn’t want a calm and focused day?! But what if you’re a night owl? What if you really enjoy staying up late to binge Netflix or scroll the gram? Sound like you? I get it. Keep reading.
Becoming a morning person doesn’t happen overnight. Well, technically it happens overnight but you know what I mean! If you’re someone that scrolls on your phone until 2am, chances are a 7am meditation isn’t going to happen. Or maybe you go to bed at a decent hour but still find it really hard to get yourself up in the morning. I’ve been both of those people, mostly the latter. As a recovered night owl, myself, here are my top tips to make you actually WANT to get out of bed earlier.
No Caffeine After 2pm
It’s funny how insanely strict I am with this rule. Cutting out caffeine by 2pm will give your body the time it needs to readjust from its high. Caffeine can affect melatonin production and the less melatonin, the less likely you are to fall asleep with ease. I love coffee and it’s one of the things I really enjoy about my morning routine. No need to cut it out completely, just cut back and keep it a morning/early afternoon treat. Once your body gets used to its new schedule, you won’t feel the need to fuel up on caffeine later in the day.
Get a sunrise clock
This is a new one for me. I bought this affordable sunrise clock a few weeks ago and have already noticed a difference in my morning mood. Waking up to the actual sunlight is great for our serotonin levels. But if you live in a city or place that doesn’t get much sunlight (especially in the winter) then this might be the next best option. It is a great way to keep you off of your phone first thing in the morning. Grabbing your phone to turn off the alarm is like dangling candy in front of a child! It makes it nearly impossible to not check just one thing while it’s in your hand. It’s a quick hit of dopamine that makes your body crave even more dopamine throughout the day, particularly from your phone. And if you don’t receive those high hits, you could find yourself feeling down or lethargic by lunchtime. Replacing a phone alarm with an actual alarm means you have no reason to physically pick your phone up first thing in the morning. Plus, waking up to a soft light and birds chirping is just way better than any Apple alarm. It’s strange at first. But just try it.
Set out your clothes the night before
This seems like a no brainer but being late because you couldn’t choose what to wear is not a good way to start the day. Set out your workout clothes the night before so that it’s one less excuse you can use to get out of doing it. Have a hook in your closet door or a dedicated space on the clothing rail where you keep the next day’s outfit. One less thing to stress about. One more reason to have a calmer morning.

Eat Dinner Earlier
Eating a heavy meal right before bed is a recipe for disaster (pun definitely intended.) Lying down with a full stomach could cause heartburn, indigestion or just feel uncomfortable. Comfort is the key to your best night of sleep. A cool room temperature, super soft sheets and comfy pjs won’t help you sleep if you have a rumbling stomach and a burning chest. Try eating at least 3 hours before bed. But be careful not to eat too early. Then you’ll have the opposite problem and may find yourself having a 10pm fridge affair. Find the happy medium!
Incorporate Light Therapy
If you don’t own a Happy Light, you are seriously missing out on some early morning feel goods! Getting sun in the eyes (indirectly, of course) is one of the healthiest ways to start the day. Natural sunlight blocks melatonin and tells our bodies “it’s time to get up!” But in the Winter, particularly if you live in a place like London or New York City, this can be nearly impossible. Enter the happy light! This powerful little light mimics sunlight to enhance our mood, energy levels and focus without harmful UV rays. It tricks the brain into thinking it is getting sunlight. This can be extra helpful if you work from home or spend a lot of time indoors. My yoga teacher introduced me to it a few months back. When It told her I didn’t have one, her exact words were “everyone needs a happy light!” I couldn’t agree more.
Create a Morning Routine That You Love!
If you’re rolling your eyes at this one, I get it. Maybe you have 4 kids to get dressed, fed and out the door. Maybe you don’t like your job. Or maybe your morning routine only consists of cereal and scrolling. But humans love routine. We find safety and stability in our healthy routines. In a world of uncertainty and hardship, a healthy, uplifting morning routine is one thing that you can control. You have the power to set yourself up for success. You get to choose how you want to view the day. You can complain that it’s dreary outside or you can be thankful that you have a roof over your head. I believe that a healthy morning routine can change your life if you let it. At the very least, it can help you become a morning person.
Becoming a morning person is a marathon not a race. The first week may be difficult. But the more you do it the more your body will adjust and create a new habit. After a few weeks, you may even find yourself waking up before your alarm clock. Try setting your alarm 20-30 minutes earlier each day until you reach a time that works for you. I like to go cold turkey and just get up super early on any given day to start the habit. I’m an impatient Aries. And I wouldn’t recommend this method, lol. Start slowly and keep going. I have yet to find a morning that I regretted getting out of bed so early. Every single time, it’s worth it.