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  • Becoming More Mindful In Everyday Life

    Happy 2018 everybody! I hope you all had the most beautiful holiday season and New Year’s. I’m really looking forward to being more present on my blog in 2018 and can’t wait to share the year with all of you! This post may be lengthy so grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine and let’s talk about how we can become more mindful this year!

    In my previous post, I gave you my ideas and tips on how to achieve your goals in 2018. I bet so many of you are crushing it already in this new year! One topic that I really, really want to focus on this year is mindfulness. The idea of being present and aware of your actions throughout the day. Now, I don’t know about you, but there are many times during my days that I catch myself just going through the motions (ever put orange juice in your cereal by accident?) : ) In fact, sometimes I purposely put on the tv, grab my phone, play music and scroll through my Instagram mindlessly so that I am distracted.


    Ah, distraction. I immediately think of Disney World (probably not your first thought but let me explain.) One of the many reasons I loved working for the company was the amount of lives I was able to impact on a daily basis. We would meet kids from the “Make A Wish” foundation, people that had saved up for ten years to go on a vacation and people that just wanted to escape reality. In my eyes, Disney was this beautiful distraction for people to forget about all of life’s difficulties. I remember watching an interview with a woman that had survived the Las Vegas shooting last year. At the end of the interview, she said “I just want to go home and watch Disney movies with my kids.” That, my friends, is a beautiful example of distraction. It’s why we go to the movies or go to see “Wicked” when it’s in town. It’s a fantastic way to enrich your senses and take you on a fictional journey.

    The “not so beautiful” distractions  are the ones where we are making conscious decisions to focus on something other than what we are intended to be focusing on in that moment. They are the times we are out to dinner with a friend and texting on our phones. Being mindful and present in each moment is something that may not come easily to most of us. It takes energy and awareness. I’ve started small in 2018 and I’m practicing being more mindful about what I’m putting in my body. I’m paying attention to my food rather than just devouring a bag of chips in front of the tv. Try taking time to savor each bite and really experience the flavors. Mindfulness is a practice but I’ve found that just being more present and aware of my everyday experiences is already helping me keep on track both mentally and physically.

    Bring joy to every aspect of your life

    When was the last time you washed the dishes and enjoyed it? (probably never) : ) What if we took the idea of bringing joy into every part of our day and approached each task with curiosity and a grateful heart? We are constantly learning in life. We’re constantly thrown curveballs and handed situations that may not look similar to what we’ve posted on our Pinterest boards. But what if we really took the time be present and bring joy into our everyday activities? Let’s pretend you’re washing dishes. Be present while washing. Feel the warm water. Be thankful that you have running water in your home. Admire the dishes that you own. It may sound cheesy (which maybe it is) but I want you to try this practice next time you’re faced with a task that may be less than Insta worthy.

    Mindfulness in the Beauty Industry

    Incorporating mindfulness into my beauty routine is definitely something I want to work on this year. Since creating my Instagram and blog, I’ve received messages from young girls saying “you are so lucky to have all of those products” and “I only hope to have a collection like yours someday..” Oh, how these comments break my heart. I reassure these girls that more does not mean better or happier. I once told a lovely young Instagrammer to “really appreciate what you have and remember that things do not bring happiness-people and experiences do!”

    Appreciate what you already have

    My intentions for starting a beauty account on Instagram and creating my blog were never to flaunt but rather to inspire and connect. I saved up and bought myself a beautiful camera last year and taught myself how to use it (I still have lots to learn!) The photography aspect of my Instagram and blog is so much fun for me. I love making products look glamorous and talking about beauty and life with women from around the world. What is not glamorous is spending an entire paycheck on beauty products. When your beauty collection no longer fits inside your TWO units of Ikea Alex drawers…that is not glamorous. I constantly see women on Instagram going on “no buys” or doing a “project pan.” I think these are great ideas because it means that they’re acknowledging that they probably have enough beauty products to last them a lifetime! I put myself in that same category but I try not to restrict myself with anything in life because then I just end up wanting it more. That’s where mindfulness comes into play. I think if we all took time to really appreciate what we have and truly enjoy those things then we won’t feel as much urge to have more. This applies to more than just beauty. I constantly buy too many groceries just for the sake of going grocery shopping (I find it weirdly therapeutic.) Being truly present in our lives and enjoying what we already have can help fill that desire for more. It does take practice but I think it’s a great thing for us to work on together this year.

    Now, of course, I am passionate about beauty and have a mostly beauty related Instagram account and blog. I know I will be splurging on products throughout the year. I just want to make a well educated and conscious choice to purchase those products and not purchase out of boredom, pressure or fear of missing out on a limited edition item. I encourage you to do the same! Also, get to know the brands you are supporting! I love learning more about the master minds behind the products I’m putting on my face everyday. I’m attempting to do a “brand spotlight” each month on my Instagram (and maybe on my blog) to highlight the reasons why I choose to support the brands that I love. We work hard for our money! There are hundreds of brands out there to invest our time and money into and I think it’s important to be mindful of who we are choosing to support!


    I hope you are having a beautiful start to 2018! Let me know in the comments an area of your life where you would like to incorporate more mindfulness.


    New year. New start. Same dreams. Let’s do this!


    Love, Carrie xo






    1. Linda Latoski
      February 4, 2018 / 12:24 am

      oh Carrie, you always seem to find the perfect topic for my day! Trying to put my difficulties aside and treasure what I do have and enjoy. Just sitting back and opening my mind to the beauty of the day is my goal. I have a stressful career and worry about my patients well being and recovery more than my own some days. Its nice to leave my issues at the door, but sometimes when opening that personal door in the evening seems worse on occasion. I’m striving for my happiness this year and not those who surround me. I have to satisfy my needs first, no one else has me first, but me! Thank you Carrie for your mindful words! You make me smile.

    2. Nancy Boehm Hamilton
      January 13, 2018 / 6:19 pm

      Enjoy reading all the wonderful thoughts you put down on paper..This year I am going to slow down my mind and be more present and a better listener..for instance when my husband comes home from work..I will ask how your day was..he does answer, but I find my self 10minutes later asking him again how was your day..he said I told you.lol apparently my mind. Wad so busy thinking what I have to do it go..I didn’t listen…so in 2018. I’m going yo slow down and be more present…Happy New Year..Looking forward to reading your next post..

    3. Diana
      January 12, 2018 / 12:23 pm

      A beautiful blog entry… Especially the message to your young instagram follower, under Mindfulness in the Beauty Industry title, “Things do not bring you happiness – people and experiences do,” what a lovely message. Keep inspiring girl #girlboss #mindful

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