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  • A Modern Girl’s Guide to Etiquette

    It was a sunny Sunday in 2012. My friend and I were perusing sundresses in a very bohemian chic boutique. It was a neat and tidy store with gorgeous lighting. My friend took a handful of dresses and shorts back to the dressing room. I gave my opinion as she modelled each piece and we both came to the conclusion that none were going to be winners. She got dressed, exited the dressing room empty handed and cheerfully said, “ready?!”

    That was the moment that I knew we were two very different people.

    I quickly glanced into the dressing room and saw all of her clothes scattered, some on hangers, some not. I felt so uncomfortable! I could see the sales woman walking towards us to see if she’d had any luck and I froze.  I didn’t want to leave the clothes there yet at the same time, I didn’t want to offend my friend by grabbing the clothes and putting them back in their designated spaces. I quickly caught up with my friend and exited the store. “Guess I’ll never be going there again,” I thought.

    Practicing proper etiquette doesn’t mean that one has to become dull. Every personality can benefit from having a few tips and tricks up his or her sleeve! Something as simple as knowing which fork to use first can really make you stand out amongst your company. Follow along as I share a few of my favorite tips on how to be the most chic, fabulous and well mannered guest in any situation!

    Being a Guest in Someone’s Home

    I think being invited to stay as a guest in someone’s house is just the ultimate act of kindness. They have opened up their personal space and comfort zone to share with you. If you are dining together, always ask what you can contribute to the meal. If they repeatedly tell you not to bring anything, a bottle of wine or a dessert are always good options. If you are sharing a bathroom, keep a toiletry bag with all of your bathroom items enclosed. Take the bag with you when you shower and brush your teeth but never leave items in the bathroom (unless you are staying for an extended period of time.) Take note of what times your host likes to shower and get ready in the morning or evening and try to work around their schedule. Trust me, they’ll appreciate this more than you know!

    Be on Time

    I know that it can be ultra cool to be late to the party. But if you truly want to have proper etiquette, ya gotta be on time! Interviews, work shifts, dinners and dances are all instances where time is of the essence. I always think that if I’m early, I’m on time and if I’m on time, I’m late. There is nothing worse than showing up for Susie’s graduation party on time and Susie isn’t even there yet. Always have a habit of running late? Buy a chic watch and wear it every single day. Then you won’t have an excuse!

    Always Introduce Acquaintances 

    This is one of my ultimate pet peeves. Just a few months ago, I was at an event and walking around with an acquaintance. This person happened to run into 2 friends while we were chatting and continued to have a 10 minute conversation without once introducing me. I couldn’t even get a word in to introduce myself, as I would normally do if one doesn’t introduce me. Bottom line? If you are with someone and come upon people that you know but your acquaintance does not know, please introduce them. It only takes a moment and instantly makes the situation more comfortable and makes your friend feel much more like part of the conversation and much less like a third wheel.

    Treat Your Waiter or Waitress With Respect

    I’ll admit…I judge people by the way they treat their waiter or waitress. Wait staff have insanely difficult jobs. Sometimes, they have multiple tables with multiple orders and multiple people yelling at them when something isn’t correct. Treat your waiter or waitress as you would treat a friend. If something is incorrect with your order, kindly speak to them in a neutral tone and let them know the situation. Nine times out of ten, they will be more than happy to make things right if you don’t raise your voice and lead with kindness. Always imagine if the tables were reversed!

    Dressing Rooms

    I think by now you know my stance on this topic! If you are trying on clothing, always remember to take the clothes out of the dressing room when you are finished. Most of the time, there will be an assistant that you can hand the clothes to at the door. If there isn’t, as tedious as it may be, put the clothes back where you found them. If you can’t remember where you found them, simply find someone that works there and let them know that you tried the clothes on but can’t seem to remember where you found them. Often times, I’ll do this as I don’t want to put the clothes in random spots. The person that I hand the clothes to is usually quite appreciative as it means they don’t have to find random pieces scattered throughout the store.

    Out to Dinner

    Dining out is truly one of life’s little pleasures! I’m an avid believer in the fact that you don’t need to be in a 5 star restaurant to practice great etiquette. Table manners should seem natural and unforced. I always like to put my napkin on my lap. Even if I am in a sportsbar eating chicken wings, my napkin is still on my lap. Think of how sad you would be if that buffalo sauce dripped onto your new dress?!

    Always keep your phone in your handbag and only answer if it is extremely important. A simple way to remember which silverware to use is to start with the utensil furthest away from you and work your way in. When it comes to the idea of keeping elbows off of the table, use your judgment. Obviously, if you’re having tea with the queen, you will keep those elbows at your side but if you’re having coffee with a friend and sharing intimate conversation, sometimes elbows on the table can be quite endearing. Use your judgment and don’t stress, the elbow police will not be out to get you. : )

    Let me know in the comments below what little etiquette tips you have up your sleeve!

    “Etiquette-a fancy word for simple kindness.” -Elsa Maxwell

    Love and light, Carrie xo


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