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  • How to Find Your Signature Fragrance (feat. Jo Malone’s Flowers and Weeds Collection)

    Scent is the most powerful memory trigger on the planet. Experiencing a certain smell can instantly transport us to a place and time and revoke memories that we may have placed in the back of our minds.

    Having your own signature scent is incredibly special (and ultra chic, may I add!) How beautiful for someone to experience a scent and instantly be reminded of you. But with so many options on the market, it can be a bit overwhelming to even know where to begin in regards to choosing a personal scent. As you begin on your journey to find your signature fragrance, let me ask you a few questions that may help you find your signature smell!

    What scents are you drawn to?

    A plate of freshly baked cookies, a field of flowers, a juicy nectarine…what smells instantly intrigue you? I’ve always been drawn to slightly sweeter but fresh and light scents. The beautiful thing about fragrance is that we live in an age where we have SO many options to choose from. Gone are the days of smelling like our grandmothers (in less, of course, that’s what scent you adore, in which case, go for it!) But really take a moment to think about what scents instantly draw you in.

    What emotion do you want others to feel?

    Of course, the main focus of choosing a signature scent is to choose a fragrance that we love. Another important aspect is the idea of evoking emotion.

    What do you want others to feel when they interact with you and experience your fragrance? Happiness? Curiosity? Seduction?

    Do you want one fragrance that can be worn day and night?

    Personally, I enjoy having a fragrance wardrobe. It is a concise collection of fragrances (maybe 3 or 4) that can see me through from morning til night. If I leave the house in the morning but have an event that evening, I will wear one of my longer lasting fragrances that will not only last throughout the day, but smell even better as the day continues on. My favorite scent in this category would be Jo Malone’s Blackberry and Bay. It truly does get better with time.

    If you know that you’ll have a moment to freshen up before your evening, try fragrance layering. Wear a lighter scent in the mooring like Jo Malone’s Orange Blossom and top it up with something a bit bolder in the evening like Jo Malone’s Wood Sage and Sea Salt.

    If you could only wear one fragrance for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    Once you have your answer, that is your signature scent! Think about the fragrances that you’ve tried over the years. I love passing by the Clinique counter and smelling “Clinique Happy.” It INSTANTLY takes me back to my high school days, particularly my formal dances, because that’s when I would wear the fragrance. I even remember a time when I was at the MAC counter the day of my school dance and my mom bought me a few pieces of MAC makeup and then she bought me “Clinique Happy Heart” to wear that evening as it was a Valentine’s Day dance. How special to have memories connected with fragrances. If you really want a throwback…Tommy Girl, anyone? : )

    Now that we have those questions out of the way, perhaps you have a better understanding of what your signature scent should be. I’ll be completely honest in saying that for the last 9 years, the only fragrances I’ve worn have been from Jo Malone. It is a brand that I trust and I just love. I can’t wear very strong scents (major migraine trigger) and I’ll admit, I’m a sucker for a pretty bottle.

    My go to, everyday fragrances from Jo are Nectarine Blossom and Honey and Blackberry & Bay. Both are slightly sweety yet incredibly light and fresh. Perfect if you’re going for the “you smell great” reaction rather than trying to make a bold statement with your fragrance.

    The brand kindly sent over a few selections from their Flowers and Weeds collection for me to experience. The Nettle and Wild Achillea is my favorite of the two as it is incredibly fresh and smells like a walk through a flower field (I know, I’m fabulous as describing fragrances, lol.) Lupin and Patchouli is a bit more fun and just reminds me of my free spirited younger days. The patchouli isn’t overpowering and reminds me of a light, summer evening in my hometown circa 2009. It is housed in, quite possibly, the most beautiful bottle I’ve ever seen!

    Fragrance is one of life’s sweetest little gifts. I never leave the house without it and it sits prominently on my list of “non negotiables.” The trick is to find the one that best represents the most beautiful you.

    Let me know in the comments below if you have a signature scent!

    “Perfume is like a new dress. It makes you quite simply marvelous.” -Estee Lauder

    Love and light, Carrie xo

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    1. May 28, 2020 / 8:29 pm

      Like!! I blog quite often and I genuinely thank you for your information. The article has truly peaked my interest.

    2. April 1, 2019 / 6:46 am

      I wish I just had one signature scent but I just lovely so many different ones! My sister in law has worn the same perfume for as long as I’ve known her, which is almost 30 years! xx


      • Carrie Jaboor
        May 31, 2019 / 11:14 am

        I completely understand! It’s so hard to pick just one! 🙂

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